Friday, April 23, 2010

What's the most unusual name you have heard?

Whats the most unusual name you have heard? How did you know the person?

What's the most unusual name you have heard?
Abcde (pronounced ab-si-dee).

When I worked at the bank, one of the customers for whom I was opening an account named her unborn daughter Abcde as the beneficiary.
Reply:Starshey (star-shay)

Davjeneh (day-juh-nay)

December (yes, you read that correctly)

Soraya Putparatanapong (Putt-puh-rah-tuh-nah-pong)

The 1st 3 are cousins (girls). The last is a girl I knew in jr. high.
Reply:talula does the hula.

it was on the news. the government made her change her name though.
Reply:I used to work with a guy from South Africa (I think) who was named Fifi, and another guy who was a building inspector whose middle name is Ariel.

his name is so wierd his name is vadik but we say his name as vadim isnt that wierd and hes american its scary what peoples names are last name brungshwee
Reply:Boy. Seriously, his name was Boy.
Reply:Telula does the Hula...
Reply:There was this new boy in my class during 5th grade and his name was Oreo.

This girl I knew her name was Margarita.. but I think that's a common name.. I think.
Reply:tequila. middle school random chick.

edit: no i changed my mind. name was zuquiana lanjere phillips.
Reply:um i forgot but it was something like sasckatuchanurton lolz long name to spell
Reply:Faryal it's my name.... and it's not made up!!
Reply:laurel, its my name
Reply:slade he's my friends of a friends boy friend.
Reply:MY COUSIN'S NAME!!!! HIS NAME IS DECKLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!!!!

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